8/16/2019 0 Comments 2018 Ontario CWD Annual ReportFrom the OMNRF For your awareness please find enclosed the 2018 Ontario Chronic Wasting Disease monitoring report. Also enclosed is a map of the areas scheduled to be sampled in 2019, which include WMU 13, 8, 9A, 9B and 10. Please share with anyone you feel may have an interest. For those participating in the 2019 deer hunt in these units, we encourage you to provide samples. Additional details regarding drop off locations will be shared when available.
MNRF Moose Management Review listening sessions held in May and early June.
Over 600 interested hunters, members of the public and organizations attended these sessions to share their perspectives to develop a path forward. Over 2,000 individuals provided comments through the paper or online Moose Management Review survey. BGMAC submitted a report to the Minister in July containing 15 recommendations. The recommendations were intended to improve moose management with a focus on sustainability and making tag allocation simpler, fairer and more consistent. BGMAC made some additional recommendations to address other concerns they heard from hunters. BGMAC’s report with recommendations has been released and is available at https://www.ontario.ca/page/big-game-management-advisory-committee-report-moose-management-review. MNRF is now proposing changes based on the BGMAC recommendations. There are two proposals posted on the Environmental Registry of Ontario for public commenting; one addressing moose and one addressing wolf/coyote hunting regulations in northern Ontario. Proposed changes to moose management as part of the Moose Management Review ENG: https://ero.ontario.ca/notice/019-0405 Proposed changes to wolf and coyote hunting regulations in Northern Ontario ENG: https://ero.ontario.ca/notice/019-0406 We invite you to comment through the registry website any time between now and September 26, 2019. Thank you again for attending the listening sessions and providing your input. |
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